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Telephone conversation is your first personal contact with a future employer, and it is important to make a good impression already at this stage. Even if the meeting is appointed by the secretary, she/he will immediately report the employer about how your conversation went.
What needs to be done during a phone conversation?
Find out for what position you are invited, ask the necessary questions about the vacant place. If the position originally does not suit you, tell about it in a polite manner and refuse to be interviewed, citing proper arguments. Do not waste precious time (both yours and an employer’s) on the unpromising meeting.
Write the company name, name and surname of the person with whom you spoke, and a phone number for contacting them in case of unforeseen circumstances.
Find out who exactly will conduct the interview with you, his name. You will make a good impression if you contact him by name and patronymic during the meeting.
Find out the exact address where the interview is going to take place. Arrange the meeting so that other things will not disturb you.
Learn how long the interview will take place, whether you need to fill in the questionnaire, undergo written tests or carry out practical tests.